"Find Your Marine Data Science Talent"

The Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) has set itself the goal of defining, training and establishing a "new type" of scientist: the "Marine Data Scientist".

The training of the doctoral researchers and the selection of the funded scientific projects are initially based primarily on the needs of the (marine) scientific community.

However, Data Science & Big Data methods are not only needed in the scientific context to evaluate marine scientific data sets. In the economic environment, too, technological progress and increasing digitization are driving the need for experts who have extensive computer science expertise and at the same time have a fundamental understanding of marine science processes.
Since it can be assumed that not all MarDATA alumni want/can pursue a career in science after their doctorate, MarDATA sees it as part of its responsibility to also identify alternative career paths.

On April 26th, the scientific coordinator of MarDATA (E Prigge) met with representatives of the maritime industry to discuss the needs and requirements for marine data scientists in the private sector. All participants agreed that the interdisciplinary training at MarDATA can make a valuable contribution to training the necessary specialists for the needs of the maritime economy. In addition, the interest in identifying possible synergies at project level and working together more closely in the future was emphasized several times.